Interested in improving already-existing processes – refining, redefining, etc. – can also apply to reconfiguring departments or teams

5 Ways AI Can Improve Your Company

The technology world is changing at a very fast pace and new trends keep on emerging every day. The latest product that has received a warm reception and excited many business managers is Artificial Intelligence. Everybody is fascinating about AI because it promises to be an effective way of performing routine tasks and can be applied to the various sectors of the economy.

Innovation and Process Automation for Small Businesses

In the world of small businesses, there are only three golden rules you need to keep in mind:

Big Data Solutions for Small Business Owners

Data analytics is a powerful tool, one that has the capacity to benefit small businesses just as easily as larger and more well-established organizations. While many new startups lack the in-house resources and expertise needed to generate, collate and analyze large volumes of data in order to produce useful insight, there are a variety of services and resources that can provide an ideal solution. The information gleaned through data analytics can be of immense benefit to business owners. Finding the big data solutions that are best suited to their needs and budget is no longer a concern that business owners can afford to take lightly.

2021-12-15T07:09:00-08:00June 28th, 2018|Categories: Strategies|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Using Failure to Spur Innovation

It hurts to fail. The feeling of defeat can make even the hardest of workers feel worthless. It’s hard to face the reality that your work or dreams won’t live up to your expectations, and giving up might seem like the next step. However, failure teaches important lessons, and though it seems contradictory, it can often lead to success. Failure gives you the necessary experience you need to improve, but more importantly, it teaches you to get back up.

Reasons Why You Should Constantly Innovate Your Website

In today’s business world the quality of your website can either make or break your company. It is one of the main means of communication with your customers and potential business partners. In addition, you can represent your brand, company values, and products. But simply creating an ordinary website is never enough, it requires constant work and upgrades so as to follow the ever-changing tech demands, along with the growing needs of new users.

2021-12-15T07:04:42-08:00June 11th, 2018|Categories: Strategies|Tags: , , , , , , |

5 ways to Make Your Company More Efficient

Making your company operate more efficiently can improve your bottom line, while also making it easier to run and to manage. Fortunately, there are a lot of simple things you can do to boost efficiency. It's a good idea to frequently take a critical look at your processes to analyze how they can be made more efficient. Then, you can take advantage of new techniques and technologies that will easily and conveniently boost your efficiency.

The Key Challenges of Government Innovation

Last month, leaders in public sector innovation gathered to discuss ways of crowdsourcing new solutions to longstanding problems at IdeaScale’s Open Nation DC. Speakers from a range of agencies as diverse as the FDA and the US Coast Guard presented best practices on creating actionable change in government.

Blockchain: The Innovation Healthcare Needs Most

In a world constantly changed by the digital transformation, one industry consistently lags behind all the rest: healthcare. For those within the field, it is open knowledge that while other industries are quick to adopt and implement novel technologies, in healthcare the change comes slowly.

The Value of Innovation at a Time of Crisis

We often talk about the role of innovation in an age of constant, radical disruption, as defined by the 4th industrial revolution. Within this new environment, innovation leaders should play an essential role in helping the organization thrive and drive growth.

Everything Small Businesses Need to Know About ISO Certification

The ISO 9000 international standard family is primarily meant to normalize and maintain various aspects of quality management. ISO 9001, one of the most prominent, explicitly establishes best-practices for Quality Management Systems (QMS) across a variety of industries.

Are You Looking Everywhere for Your Ideas?

Lots of industries care about intellectual property and proprietary information, but perhaps none more so than the automotive industry where product development is seen as the competitive edge.

Increasing Experimentation and Autonomy Capability: The New Corporate Innovation Imperative

In the past 12 months, there has been a concerted push to foster a more experimental and autonomous workforce within mature, corporate organizations. This is impacting how innovation professionals operate, drive value, and ultimately succeed in their own careers.

The Doom of Multitasking: Don’t Force Your Employees into It

Did you know that you’re multitasking at least several times a day? That’s right! It’s enough if you cook, listen to music, and check your Facebook at the same time. Fortunately, it’s not fatal.