Basic trends – things like “Top Innovation Leaders 2020”

Defining and Demystifying Retail Experience Futures

It's that time of year, following the holiday excess many of our waistlines are looking a little fuller and our email inboxes are full of newsletters, including 2018 predictions and the key trends to consider.

5 Innovative Careers for Individuals Looking to Help the World

Are you innovative or creative? Are you looking for an ingenious career field for yourself? If the answer to these questions is a yes, then get ready because you’re about to discover 5 innovative careers for individuals looking to help the world.

The FDA’s Digital Health Innovation Action Plan and Cybersecurity for Digital Healthcare

The number one issue for aging consumers is the lack of privacy related to sensitive medical information and other data that wearables like Fitbits and heart monitors bring without proper oversight. This is part of the reason for the FDA’s Digital Health Innovation Action Plan (DHIAP), which is meant to speed up the evaluation process for digital health technologies and allow the FDA to better focus on high-risk products.

What’s Keeping CInO’s Awake at Night: The Latest Corporate Innovation Trends From a Range Of Recent Conferences

Over the past couple of weeks, I have participated in several conferences / events, to better understand key trends in corporate innovation. Each event was excellent, but also very different in scope, audience and approach.

Sink or Swim: Nouveau Economical Survival Strategies

Special understanding is critically needed on how new cyclones of artificial intelligence-laced, blockchain technology-driven digital platforms with capabilities like LinkedIn and baby-Alibaba type models will dance on global trade. Alibaba just broke some records: USD 1 billion sales in 3 minutes, and the other day some 24 billion dollars in 24 hours. This is dancing with global trades and prosperity on world stage. What are these deployment programs and who is stopping such mobilization in other nations?

Key Customer Service Trends You Need To Be Aware Of

Customer service is an essence of modern business. It surpassed prices and products as the most important brand differentiator a long time ago. According to the recent survey, almost 100% of global consumers claim that customer service is crucial in their choice of the brand. That’s why you need to stay up to date and learn about the key customer service trends in this article.

How Quantum Computers will Advance Machine Learning, Big Data, and Artificial Intelligence

Quantum computers will allow artificial intelligence, big data, and machine learning to become far more advanced. Many researchers are working on the advancement of quantum computers, and it won't be long before their use becomes widespread.

Innovative Ideas for Combining Traditional and Digital Marketing

In 2010, Pepsi invested millions of dollars in the “Pepsi Refresh Project,” moving their entire marketing strategy to social media. The campaign was, of course, widely promoted via online networking channels and, in the beginning, it seemed like a huge success.

Do We Need a Digital Bill of Rights?

That the new Apple iPhone X uses facial-recognition software (FRS) to unlock the device rather than a pin or fingerprint, underlines the importance of this burgeoning technology. We will likely see a massive spread in the use of FRS which will bring many benefits but some serious risks which we need to start addressing now.

International Courier Services Developing Technology and Innovations

Courier services have come a long way in the past decade and a lot of that is down to technological developments. These days, couriers understand that in order to stand out and provide an exceptional service, they need to invest in the latest technology innovations. This is especially true when it comes to international courier services.

2021-12-14T13:20:24-08:00September 20th, 2017|Categories: Trend Alert|Tags: , , , , , , |