How Can You Use Gamification to Boost Innovation?

A serious game based on innovation methodologies can be an extremely useful tool at different phrases of implementing innovation in a company. Let's take a look at how to implement gamification into your innovation strategy.

Why Experiential Marketing Is A Must In 2020

Consumers are no longer excited by traditional commercials, including display ads, banner ads, and native ads. In fact, these ads are causing a pandemic known as “ad fatigue” and symptoms range from disinterest, boredom, and more. The problem is worsening.

Innovation Via the Customer Journey

Innovation is usually spoken of in relation to products, research, and development. However, every aspect of your business can be innovated. In fact, one of the most important – and often overlooked – is customer service. Innovative customer service helps you build loyalty, encourages repeat business, and can also bring in new buyers as they observe how you care for your consumers.

How Idea Management can Help Advance Workplace Neurodiversity

Awareness of neurodiversity has certainly increased over the past few years and workplaces are gradually becoming more accommodating and accepting of neurodiverse employees. But after years of neglect and of neurodiverse candidates being overlooked for roles for which they are inherently suited, there is still a lot of progress that needs to be made.

Running = Innovation (Learning from Personal Record in Berlin Marathon)

Prof. dr. Stefan Stremersch had an epiphany while running his personal record time in the Berlin Marathon. Running is innovation. Running needs innovation, for example when it comes to new solutions for improving endurance running equipment. In this article he talks about big brands such as Nike and Asics and why are they are (un)successful. But innovation also needs running: running teaches you characteristics that are needed to make innovation into a success. Read prof. dr. Stefan Stremersch his view on this below.

Five Takeaways from Our Innovation Conversation with Clorox

IdeaScale hosts a monthly podcast with innovation leaders, intrapreneurs, and other game changers out there. This past month our interviewee was Dr. Navin Kunde who currently leads the Open Innovation group at The Clorox Company, a US-based consumer goods company in the Fortune 500.

Tips for Established Businesses to Survive the Startup Surge

So much has already been said about what smaller, fresh companies need to do in order to gain a competitive edge in a well-developed market, but how often do you think about what those well-established businesses should do to achieve the same?

Five Innovation Workshop Questions

There are a lot of best practices that we recommend to our customers: start with the end in mind, adopt criteria to drive ideation, use at least seven channels to communicate with your end user, respond to ideas with positive feedback and questions. But there’s another piece of simple advice that we give to all of our customers when they’re preparing an innovation challenge: seed your community with a few ideas before you launch.

Five Strengths of Innovation Leaders

Highly innovative leaders need to share a clear vision, practice effective communication, and make a commitment to roll imagination into reality.

Why Coworking Is A Solution For Increased Productivity

Coworking is the newest trend in both freelance and mainstream working. It is a form of office setting that allows people to work together within a common space, but not necessarily on the same project. The workers are primarily independent of each other, but they can always consult, inspire, and motivate each other when the need arises. But does this have any positive impact on productivity?

How Companies Can Pursue a More Circular Economy

There are studies that say the world will run out of oil within 55 years. All the while, aquatic creatures are suffering at the hands of plastic pollution every day. On top of that, our collective contribution to the greenhouse effect is sending us underwater as sea levels rise at unprecedented rates.