Interested in improving already-existing processes – refining, redefining, etc. – can also apply to reconfiguring departments or teams

How NASA Leads Intrapreneurial Innovation

Not everyone knows that NASA has embedded crowdsourcing into their strategy and capabilities. But in fact, back in 2011 (after they ran a highly successful crowdsourcing pilot) NASA established the Center of Excellence for Collaborative Innovation (CoECI).

Landscape Monitor for Startups

Entrepreneurs deal with high levels of uncertainty; probably more than any other business. The more disruptive the startup, the higher the level of uncertainty. Will the customers buy? How do we reach them? Will we be able to sell at a profit? Will our partners do their part? Who is out there that we can learn from? Are there threats that we are unaware of?

What Innovation Funnel Should I Use?

After a decade working in innovation, I think many of us are sick and tired of seeing a funnel on another slide at an innovation conference. Lots of ideas at the top, just a few implemented ideas at the bottom… we get the idea.

3 Ways to Reduce Costs While Maintaining Business Integrity

Integrity is regularly considered one of the top characteristics that a business leader can have — whether you're asking employees or CFOs. Sometimes, however, business integrity is considered a cost or burden — a commitment that is almost guaranteed to make a business harder to run over time.

Top 5 Innovative Trends in Event Management

Whether you operate as a small-scale startup and visit conferences and seminars personally or are looking for ways to innovate within your own event management process, implementing new and interesting trends into the pipeline can prove highly beneficial.

The Boring Parts of Digital Innovation, or 3 Reasons Why Testing Matters

When it comes to innovation in an enterprise setting, the majority of attention usually goes to all the exciting things. The bold ideas, the grand technological possibilities, the potential benefits of digital and structural transformation, the trailblazing.

Spotless: An Innovation Roadmap

Bridie Scott is an Innovation Manager at Spotless and she’s taken the business on a journey from a large-scale company with big goals to a company that is listening to and empowering all of their frontline employees in the innovation process.

How Can You Use Gamification to Boost Innovation?

A serious game based on innovation methodologies can be an extremely useful tool at different phrases of implementing innovation in a company. Let's take a look at how to implement gamification into your innovation strategy.

Running = Innovation (Learning from Personal Record in Berlin Marathon)

Prof. dr. Stefan Stremersch had an epiphany while running his personal record time in the Berlin Marathon. Running is innovation. Running needs innovation, for example when it comes to new solutions for improving endurance running equipment. In this article he talks about big brands such as Nike and Asics and why are they are (un)successful. But innovation also needs running: running teaches you characteristics that are needed to make innovation into a success. Read prof. dr. Stefan Stremersch his view on this below.

A Climate and Ecological Crisis Demands Humanity Centred Design

Human-Centred Design has served us well as an innovation strategy over the last decades, making things better for people and more profitable for business. Today there is growing and widespread concern about the impacts of all this innovation on a third ‘P’ – the Planet. To innovate for a sustainable future we must transform our model from Human-Centred to Humanity-Centred Design.

Tips for Established Businesses to Survive the Startup Surge

So much has already been said about what smaller, fresh companies need to do in order to gain a competitive edge in a well-developed market, but how often do you think about what those well-established businesses should do to achieve the same?

How Data is Changing the Internet of Things

More than half of the world's data has been created in the past two years. As digital connection and creation - the Internet of Things - becomes ever more prevalent, we have to consider how data can better be interpreted, personalized, and improved. In this podcast, we explore IoT, and how it can impact your business.