4 Ways Tech Is Innovating Ongoing Education for Businesses

Today's forward-thinking companies know that giving their employees access to ongoing education opportunities is an excellent way to prepare them to deal with changing circumstances in their industries.

Innovate for Expertise: 5 Ways To Expand Your Skill Set & Job Potential

In a competitive work environment, it’s up to you to move your career forward. You have to be proactive and continually refine your skill sets to advance and thrive. The corporate climb is always evolving, and staying on top of the latest trends in the business world is key to ensuring that you enjoy many years of success and growth.

2021-12-20T08:34:00-08:00June 19th, 2019|Categories: Training & Education|Tags: , |

Digital Factory of the Incumbent: Software of the Mind

This paper was originally published on smartinsights.com, the 11th of September, 2018. Republished here with permission from the author.

Technological changes are one of the leading advocators to shape customer value. They are characterized by a process of social technological variations, rooted in different disciplines e.g., economics, sociology, and psychology.

Everything Small Businesses Need to Know About ISO Certification

The ISO 9000 international standard family is primarily meant to normalize and maintain various aspects of quality management. ISO 9001, one of the most prominent, explicitly establishes best-practices for Quality Management Systems (QMS) across a variety of industries.

Innovation Simplified

Organizations rely on innovations to sustain competitiveness. Managers often talk about innovations. Some use it as an ornament. Perhaps innovation is the mostly abused word by organizations and practicing managers. There are dozens of definitions for the word innovation.

Taking Innovation Training to the Next Level: Integration With Employee Networks

In the previous two whitepapers of this series we examined both the benefits of innovation training and areas of innovation skills that mid-to-junior level employees can be taught. In this installment we will address an important topic that is often missing from innovation training / education programs: How to build effective employee networks that support employees who have been trained with new innovation skills.

Innovator’s Accelerator: Imparting the Skills of the Innovator

Is it possible for companies to teach the skills of innovation to leaders and teams to help secure a marketplace advantage? The six-week Innovator’s Accelerator™online program is designed to do just that: impart the skills of the innovator–as taught by industry leaders and demonstrated through case studies–in as little as one hour per day.

How to Assess an Innovation Training Program

As innovation becomes an important skill set, large organizations will seek to obtain training for their employees. We stand on the brink of an innovation training “land rush” with few rules and little information to identify the best programs. Evaluating an innovation training program is critical. Assess programs based on their depth, the experience of the trainers, the referenced body of knowledge and the inclusion of practical examples and hands-on exercises. Ignore certifications, because no standard exists.

Becoming a World-Class Innovator

A common misconception today is that innovators are innately creative people. Specifically, many people think that innovators are born with intuitive skills and views of the world that differsfrom the rest of the population. This is simply not true. Innovators aren’t born, they’re made. But we can learn from a few key attributes that leading innovators share.

Leading an Innovative Company

Having a reputation as an innovator is the ‘holy grail’ in business today. Leaders and companies want to be seen as innovative, and be tied to the many associations that come with it: creative, marketing leading, cutting edge. Leading business publications including Forbes, Fortune and Fast Company celebrate and publish an annual list of companies they consider innovative.But what is it to be innovative, and how do leaders foster it within their company culture?

The Secret of Innovative Companies: It Isn’t R&D

In rejecting the limiting belief that innovation is R&D’s job alone, leaders of highly innovative companies work hard to instill “innovation is everyone’s job” as a guiding organizational mission. In this article, co-creators of Innovator’s Accelerator, Jeff Dyer and Hal Gregersen share insights and examples to follow in order to ensure innovation starts at the top and reaches the bottom of your organization.

Become a creative artist whose medium is everyday life, urges improv expert

As an accomplished improv performer, singer and actress, Cathy Rose Salit believes we all get too stuck in our 'scripts,' too comfortable with our 'stock characters.' We need to try new things, to expand our personal repertoire, to become more creative in our work and lives.

15 Foundations for Facilitating Creativity in the Workplace

Here are lessons learned from 12 years of creative facilitation in business, from creativity expert Michelle James.