Immunize your team against the spoilers of creative thinking

Research has shown that people solve problems in a more creative way and turn out work with more creative surprises if they are able to focus their attention on their daily enjoyment and fun that comes from the challenge, and their total immersion in the work.

7 reflection tools for navigating the unknown and exploring new territory

In a world filled with accelerating, unprecedented change, the ability to navigate the unknown and explore new areas is becoming an essential skill, says Michelle James.

10 ways to expand your creative possibilities: The Free Thinking Method

Free Thinking Mode is a collection of best practices shared by the most creative companies and people Michelle Conrad and her team have come in contact with.

Adult creativity: Why we should make time for play

We learn when we play as children, in fact this accounts for most of our early learning. Play acts as a learning laboratory for trying out different internal models on an external world. This is not dissimilar to our traditional brainstorming sessions.

How Can Design Thinking Be Applied to Government Policy-Making?

The Institute of Design held a seminar in Chicago this week to create a discussion on the role of a design-based approach to forming public policy. The premise for the discussion was that, "the prevalent perception that 'nothing works' in the public policy arena, or rather, public policy itself rarely seems to be working, challenges democratic systems at their core. Coincident to this spiraling public pessimism and partisan gridlock, foundations are turning to designers with renewed hope that their skills in problem definition and resolution can make a difference and help foster success."

Innovation lessons from Silly Putty

In times like these, many people are waiting for better times to take action, to try new things or to create change but that is not the solution. To succeed, you must act, seek and welcome change and go beyond the norm, today. Here are 8 lessons from Silly Putty on how you can "eggceed" expectations.

What the Self-Organizing Principles of Improv Theater can Teach Us About Business Creativity

Michelle James explores the fascinating connections between adhering to the principles of improvisational theater in a performance and being able to adapt, create and improvise effectively in the work place.

How to lead creatively and inspire your people

If you're a manager who wants to lead creativity effectively, there is hope and support available. You could be remembered as fondly as Herb Brooks is remembered by the 1980 U.S. Olympic hockey team. He's the guy who helped them achieve a miracle.

SCAMPER your way to greater innovation

SCAMPER is a productive and versatile technique for generating innovative ideas for your product or service. It forces you to look at your offering from seven different perspectives. Paul Sloane explains, and gives some examples of companies that have used this popular and highly effective technique to generate innovative products and services.

It’s time for a resurgence in creative leadership and processes, says futurist Frank Spencer

Futurist Frank Spencer believes that the global economic recession and mechanistic organizational structures have driven creativity out of most firms. It's time for a resurgence in creative leadership and processes that will transform our thinking and actions.