About Ideascale

IdeaScale is the largest cloud-based innovation software platform in the world with more than 25,000 customers and 4 million users. The software allows organizations to involve the opinions of public and private communities by collecting their ideas and giving users a platform to vote. The ideas are then evaluated, routed, and implemented, making IdeaScale the engine of crowd-powered innovation. IdeaScale’s client roster includes industry leaders, such as Adobe, Cisco, the Department of Homeland Security, Marriott, the US Navy, NBC, Xerox, and many more.

7 Modern Trends That Are Innovating Traditional Workplaces

The workplace of today little resembles the cubicles of yesteryear. More people telecommute and enjoy flextime options. Rather than a traditional top-down structure, many companies embrace a more democratic arrangement.

Five Strengths of Innovation Leaders

Highly innovative leaders need to share a clear vision, practice effective communication, and make a commitment to roll imagination into reality.

Why Coworking Is A Solution For Increased Productivity

Coworking is the newest trend in both freelance and mainstream working. It is a form of office setting that allows people to work together within a common space, but not necessarily on the same project. The workers are primarily independent of each other, but they can always consult, inspire, and motivate each other when the need arises. But does this have any positive impact on productivity?

How Companies Can Pursue a More Circular Economy

There are studies that say the world will run out of oil within 55 years. All the while, aquatic creatures are suffering at the hands of plastic pollution every day. On top of that, our collective contribution to the greenhouse effect is sending us underwater as sea levels rise at unprecedented rates.

Smart Business Uses for Your Smartphone

For small business owners, every day is a mission to sell products without surpassing the budget. Unfortunately, the expenses can add up. From obtaining vendors to shipping out the product and paying your employees, there is an expense at nearly every corner. However, what if there was a way to save money and streamline your processes right from the palm of your hand?

2021-12-20T10:39:11-08:00September 25th, 2019|Categories: Support for SMEs, Trend Alert|Tags: , , , , |

The Limits of Positive Thinking

The magical potency of positive thinking has been a common theme among motivational speakers for a long time. In 1952 Norman Vincent Peale published his seminal book, The Power of Positive Thinking. He advocated that you should always be optimistic. You should build a mental picture of yourself succeeding.

How to Deal with Productivity Killers in a Flexible Workplace

By far one of the biggest benefits of remote working is the ability to have a flexible schedule. If you can do the work whenever you want---as long as it gets done---this brings an immense amount of freedom. However, freedom comes with responsibility, and since you’re flexible, you can easily start slacking and never really get any work done.

2021-12-20T10:37:47-08:00September 20th, 2019|Categories: Organization & Culture|Tags: , , , , , |

How Do You Define INNOVATIVENESS? Getting it Wrong Could Cost You

Underlying an innovative culture driven by an innovative leader is innovativeness. Innovativeness drives business growth by increasing innovation opportunities.

May the 4th Industrial Revolution be with You, Part 4: ‘High on Emotion’

Emotional Intelligence is the new X Factor: This is the fourth in a series of articles that explore how the effects of the 4th Industrial Revolution are filtering into our lives on a global scale, what the workplace of the future will look like in the years to come and how we can ensure that we have the right skills to succeed. This article explores the concept of Emotional Intelligence as the new X Factor in securing success in the new era of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

2021-12-20T10:31:58-08:00September 10th, 2019|Categories: Trend Alert|Tags: , , , |

What NASA Can Teach Us About the Intrinsic Value of Connecting to Other Innovators

Numerous organizations run crowdsourced innovation programs, because companies can find better new ideas and take action on those ideas faster. This process allows companies to set a challenge and gather ideas from hundreds, thousands, or hundreds of thousands of participants.

A New Way to Collaborate: How Co-working Spaces Are Changing the Landscape for Remote Workers

If you’ve been looking to boost career satisfaction among your remote team members, co-working spaces may prove up to the task. Today, busy remote professionals around the world increasingly benefit from a changing office environment with the rapid proliferation of co-working spaces.

Strategies for Innovative Resource & Liability Management

Organizations maintain and manage many different kinds of resources. Managing them can get complicated, considering all of their components and the potential risks that they bring. Not only do they have to be allocated properly, but there need to be safety nets set in place for potential mistakes and legal consequences.

Do You Know Your Company’s Implementation Rate?

With the rise of the innovation department, numerous organizations are focusing their attention on their company’s ideation rate. A good ideation rate generally predicts other positive company health indicators: profitability, higher employee retention rates, reported customer success, but there’s another innovation health indicator that we think organizations should pay attention to: their implementation rate.