When you Need Breakthrough Ideas, Consider Anti-conventional Thinking

When you need to develop ideas, don't just focus on generating a large quantity of them. The originality of them is even more important. That's when you should consider Jeffrey Baumgartner's anti-conventional thinking technique.

How to Leap over the Shortcomings of Traditional Group Brainstorming

Brainstorming can be effective if it is performed properly. In this article, Jeffrey Baumgartner explores some of the weaknesses of traditional brainstorming and explores several potentially fruitful alternatives.

Stepping off the Hamster Wheel: How to Stay Creative even When You’re Insanely Busy

At precisely the time when leaders need creative managers, we're all so overworked that we don't even have time to think. Here are some tips to help you counteract the forces of 'mass distraction' and cultivate your creativity.

Creativity: How to Retrain Your Inner Censor

If you want to make the most of your creative potential, you need to learn how to override your inner censor so that it does not stifle your most imaginative ideas. Here are several techniques you can use to do this.

Tips to spark your creative genius at work

Imagine showing up to work each day truly happy that you are there, getting energy from your colleagues, having fun in meetings, feeling like what you do counts. It is possible. You just have to create the conditions that help you to spark your creative genius.

Creative communication is critical to success today, urges Sam Horn

Creative communication is critical to making your product or service stand out in the minds of your customers. Sam Horn explains how in this fascinating interview.

11 Dos and Don’ts for Small Group Ideation Sessions

There is a right way and a wrong way to run a brainstorm or ideation meeting. A little preparation pays dividends. It is very important to separate the two phases of the meeting, recommends Paul Sloane.

The Basics of Creative Problem Solving – CPS

Creative problem solving isn't just brainstorming, although that's what many people may associate it with. It's actually a well-defined process that can help you from problem definition to implementing solutions, according to Jeffrey Baumgartner.

Improvisation is an essential element of the new paradigm of work, says Jay Rhoderick

What does improvisation have to do with the needs of business today? Plenty, says improv expert Jay Rhoderick, who shares some practical strategies for using it to break out of our rutted thinking and generate new insights.

How to use Twitter as a Powerful Idea Discovery Tool

Twitter can be a powerful tool for developing breakthrough ideas. In fact, it's one of the best tools for exposing you to new ideas, insights and trends. Unfortunately, it has gained a reputation as a place where narcissistic people talk about the glorious minutiae of their lives - such as, "Guess what I'm having for breakfast?" There is some of that, of course, but it is also a vibrant community where people share some amazing ideas and resources.

Don’t stop with the first ‘right idea’

When many people brainstorm, they tend to get into the bad habit of stopping with the "first right idea." In other words, at the first sign of a promising idea, they decide that they're done brainstorming, and mentally "pack it up" and move on to another task. But this isn't very productive from a creative problem-solving standpoint. Here's why.

21 Great Ways to Innovate

Continuous innovation is not easy and if you keep using the same method you will experience diminishing results. Try innovating how you innovate by employing some of these ideas from Paul Sloane.