Knowing who your company or entity is communicating to, understanding who is impacted by your idea, finding out best practices in sourcing ideas and process improvements from your audience

Driving Exponential Online Growth by Creating and Reaching New Digital Customers

How can we succeed in the online world when it seems to be changing by the day? This article explores critical questions business leaders need to be asking themselves as they explore case examples and strategies that have been applied by others, examine how the technologies and capabilities of the ‘mobile first’ internet could evolve in the next few years and identify a set of practical actions they can adopt to drive exponential online sales growth.

Why Your Online Marketing Needs an Offline Boost

We tend to forget that the success of online stores doesn’t depend only on online marketing methods. Of course, the modern business world is almost entirely digitalised and customers are increasingly purchasing products online, however, we cannot ignore the influence offline marketing has on online businesses.

2021-12-20T08:23:01-08:00May 21st, 2019|Categories: Strategies|Tags: , , , , , |

Digital Factory of the Incumbent: Software of the Mind

This paper was originally published on, the 11th of September, 2018. Republished here with permission from the author.

Technological changes are one of the leading advocators to shape customer value. They are characterized by a process of social technological variations, rooted in different disciplines e.g., economics, sociology, and psychology.

Taking an Audience-Centric Approach During the Tech Adoption Lifecycle

Most marketing professionals understand that insight into the hearts and minds of your customers is central to successful product innovation. But which customers? Who is going to buy my product first? What happens after that? How can I eventually grow my customer base to one billion people?

How to Innovate with Big Data: 4 Essentials

A few years ago, big data was a brand new frontier for businesses, and few could afford to leverage the technology on a large scale. Today, it’s much more accessible for companies of all sizes, and the field of big data has begun to mature.

Your Business Relationship With the Veteran Community

On May 27, it will be Memorial Day, a day to honor those who lost their lives in military service since the Civil War. Supporting the troops is an integral part of American culture because our military is responsible for protecting our values. What is a country without people who are willing to protect it?

2021-12-17T13:04:05-08:00March 28th, 2019|Categories: Editorial|Tags: , , , , , |

Five Visible and Invisible Forces Behind Digital Innovation

Innovation is what leads to differentiation. There need to be both “hard” and “soft,” visible and invisible forces to drive the success of innovation management.

Resist The Urge To Shortcut Stages in Design Thinking

To stay relevant in the digital era, most companies are considering design thinking, but continue to be immersed in a “Build it, and they will come” mindset. Often, due to a sense of urgency to play catch-up or disrupt the market, they skip empathy and define stages of design thinking and jump to ideation and build a prototype of the new solution.

2021-12-17T12:55:54-08:00March 3rd, 2019|Categories: Strategies|Tags: , |

How Innovations in Web Development Shape Online Exposure for Small Businesses

At the core of every successful business lies innovation. This innovation, however, doesn’t always have to be of internal nature in the form of a new product or an upgraded service in order to have a spectacular effect on your brand’s success.

How To Effectively Deal With Unhappy Clients

No matter what the nature of your business is, you will inevitably encounter unhappy clients. Whether this is because it’s the fault of the company or something that couldn’t have been prevented – your first priority needs to be solving the problem.

Tech That’s Transforming Consumerism for the Better

Consumerism is already undergoing some big changes, and there will likely be even more as technology asserts itself as a dominant presence. But how exactly will these up-and-coming technologies impact manufacturers, retailers and, of course, modern shoppers?

3 Unique Ways to Improve the Online Engagement of Your Business

There is nothing innovative about understanding the need to increase your online presence for a more successful marketing campaign. Where the innovation lies, however, is in the methods you use to engage your audience and drive traffic to your business’ website.

2021-12-17T12:17:20-08:00December 19th, 2018|Categories: Strategies|Tags: , , , , , |