Focused on becoming a better leader – article is good for those leading a company, building a business, leading a team, or otherwise in a position where they can direct or influence actions of others. Also good for articles about aspiring leaders.

The Importance of Senior Management Involvement for Innovation

Senior management is without a doubt a tough job. If you’re one of the few executives at the top of a large organization, there are likely hundreds of people; customers, employees, partners, and the list goes on; who are all looking for your attention regarding an endless sea of different topics and initiatives.

Innovation Insights from the Founder of Sony

Akio Morita was born in Nagoya, Japan in 1921. His father owned a business brewing sake. It had been in the family for 14 generations and it was expected that Akio, the oldest son, would step into the business but the boy was more interested in electronics than in brewing.

2021-12-17T12:06:38-08:00November 21st, 2018|Categories: Organization & Culture|Tags: , , , , , |

Running More Businesses at Once: Micro-Management vs. Macro-Management

As a business owner, finding the right management style will be one of the most important things you do. Your management technique should benefit your employees and most crucially, your business. Unfortunately, getting the balance right between micro-management and macro-management isn’t always easy.

Learn to Lead Effectively and Innovate Your Business

Businesses must adapt and innovate to succeed in today's marketplace. However, innovation is not a part-time undertaking. It’s the foundation for effective organizational management and taps into the creative power of staff members.

Five Digital Profiles of Innovators

Organizations need to invest in the cultivation of capacity for innovation and recognize innovators with varying talent and strengths.

How Technology Can Augment Human Collaboration

Innovation requires collaboration, but collaboration is stuck in a rut. Data science can help us climb out. It can increase the scale, the intentionality, and the nuance of how we collaborate. With the right data and algorithms, we can set our teams up to do something innovative.

How to Develop Innovative Leaders

There is no arguing that in today’s marketplace companies must innovate to survive. There is more pressure now than at any other time in history for innovation, especially if companies want to be industry leaders. This is because rapidly changing technology is continually driving changes in markets and shifting trends in customer behavior and expectations.

The Problem With Australian Innovation Programs: and Lessons for Other Countries (Part 2 in series)

Over the past few months I have been spending time with a range of Australian companies, getting to better understand their business models and approaches to innovation. While there is plenty of good news for Australian businesses and their innovation practices (see my previous article), there is a justified sense of concern around maintaining sustained, robust growth in the face of digital and exponential disruption.

Ready to Drive Global Innovation?

Everyone is mesmerized by the mystery and magic of innovation and new technologies through AI, Blockchain, IoT, AR/VR, Digital Ecosystems and more. Conversations center around the latest products and services as well as the future impact of a digital life. Yet there is one question that is surprisingly overlooked in many circles - how will leaders and teams innovate and collaborate in a changing business world?

The Rise of Innovative Entrepreneurs

Watch Live Debates on Sept.7th 2018

As the global mindshare shifts towards grassroots and sustainability, what are the top starting points of new global prosperity centric revolutions? It’s no longer important which economical model you support, which super power you endorse, or which nation you belong to.

It’s All About Interaction!

The central role of Interaction Design when creating delightful customer experiences

Organisations depend on their competitive advantage in order to become or keep successful, relevant for their customers and grow over time. As we all know, competitive advantage is achieved via either one – or a combination - of the strategies involving pricing, service and product quality or customer service excellence. We argue that another overarching strategy should always be present in a company’s strategy; delivering an excellent, desirable and memorable customer experience.

Three Steps to Help Prevent Employee Turnover

Keeping employees and avoiding turnover has never been easy. There is no difference based on the amount of employees. Whether it’s a few dozen or a few hundred, trying to maintain and upkeep employee happiness takes dedication, persistence, and one strong cup of coffee (maybe two or three cups, if we’re being honest).

The Role of Innovators at Large Organizations

In-house innovation programs continue to proliferate and our concept of the innovator has evolved alongside them. Now we no longer think of a creative genius sitting alone in their tower coming up with creative ideas. Now, innovators can play a number of different roles within an innovation program beyond idea author. A lot of interest and attention is being paid to this concept, because organizations that are looking to sponsor and train innovation skills at their organization need to understand what skills matter most when it comes to creating meaningful change. After all, it’s an important part of professional development nowadays. Every employee at any organization needs to be able to keep up with the rapid pace of change. So here are a few of the roles that innovators play at large organizations.