The Basics of Creative Problem Solving – CPS

Creative problem solving isn't just brainstorming, although that's what many people may associate it with. It's actually a well-defined process that can help you from problem definition to implementing solutions, according to Jeffrey Baumgartner.

Improvisation is key to building a culture of innovation, says Doug Stevenson

By adopting the behaviors and principles of improvisation, organizations can achieve significant and robust cultural change in the direction of innovation, says creativity and improv expert Doug Stevenson.

Adult creativity: Why we should make time for play

We learn when we play as children, in fact this accounts for most of our early learning. Play acts as a learning laboratory for trying out different internal models on an external world. This is not dissimilar to our traditional brainstorming sessions.

Innovation is everyone’s job, says author Gregg Fraley

Everyone needs to be responsible for innovation. It doesn't matter what your job is. It's still part of your work to improve things and even invent things, says author and creativity expert Gregg Fraley in the latest Creativity in Business interview.

Now is the time to realize our creative potential, says Julie Ann Turner

Creativity in Business: Interview with Julie Ann Turner

Making Innovation a Systemic Capability

For innovation to become a core competence and a tangible cultural value, there has to be a substantial degree of internal consistency between processes, metrics, reward structures, rhetoric, and top management behavior. But it is precisely this synchronicity that is lacking inside most companies, says Rowan Gibson.

Improvisation is an essential element of the new paradigm of work, says Jay Rhoderick

What does improvisation have to do with the needs of business today? Plenty, says improv expert Jay Rhoderick, who shares some practical strategies for using it to break out of our rutted thinking and generate new insights.

Creativity is an essential change management tool for effective leaders, says Marci Segal

Creativity is more important than ever, considering today's accelerating rate of change in business, says author and expert Marci Segal in this latest Creativity in Business interview. In fact, it's an essential change management tool for effective leaders.

What the Self-Organizing Principles of Improv Theater can Teach Us About Business Creativity

Michelle James explores the fascinating connections between adhering to the principles of improvisational theater in a performance and being able to adapt, create and improvise effectively in the work place.

How to lead creatively and inspire your people

If you're a manager who wants to lead creativity effectively, there is hope and support available. You could be remembered as fondly as Herb Brooks is remembered by the 1980 U.S. Olympic hockey team. He's the guy who helped them achieve a miracle.

Zappos Insights executive says execution of ideas is key

Robert Richman, Product Manager of Zappos Insights, says the most successful companies will be those that have people with the best ideas, and who can execute them most effectively.